Who lived in Mornington Road, 1859 – 1900?

Unless otherwise specified, newspaper reports listed in these pages are from British Newspaper Archive.

The houses started to be built in the late 1850’s. By 1890 the road was complete and there were 48 houses in Mornington Road. Due the building of the Whitechapel to Bow Railway (now the District Line) around 1900, 19 houses were demolished, only No’s 5 – 28 and 44 – 48 remained.  (In the 20th century, due to the bombing Blitz of World War II, October 1940, and the construction of Thames Magistrates Court in 1990, 10 further houses were demolished, only No’s 9 – 27 remain.)

Who lived in No’s 1 – 8 Mornington Road, 1859 – 1900?

Who lived in No’s 9-14 Mornington Road, 1859 -1900?

Who lived in No’s 15-20 Mornington Road, 1859 – 1900?

Who lived on the east side of Mornington Road, 1875 – 1900?   this page still to be completed

east side, south to north: (this page still to be completed)

No. 9 St George’s terrace – renumbered 1892 No. 21 Mornington Road

No. 8 St George’s terrace – renumbered 1892 No. 22 Mornington Road

No.3 St George’s terrace – renumbered 1892 No. 27 Mornington Road 

No. 2 St George’s terrace – renumbered 1892 No. 28 Mornington Road

No. 1 St George’s terrace – renumbered 1892 No. 29 Mornington Road then demolished for the Whitechapel and Bow Railway c. 1900

No. 26 Mornington Road  renumbered 1892 No. 30, then demolished for the Whitechapel and Bow Railway c. 1900

1894 Ellerby, Edith A. She is recorded as having written a letter of condolence to Prof. William Roberston Smith’s mother April – May 1894. He was Professor of Oriental Languages and Old Testament Exegesis, Free Church College, Aberdeen, [University of Aberdeen, Special Collections] 1895 Post Office Directory has Charles Herbert Ellerby.

No. 25 Mornington Road 1892 renumbered No 31, then demolished for the Whitechapel and Bow Railway about 1900)

post-1882 Cannan, Dr. David – born in Pernambuco, Brazil, son of Horatius James, a merchant from Scotland. Educated at Birkenhead, David enrolled at the University 1880, attending classes in Greek, Latin, Mathematics, senior Greek & Logic, Natural Philosophy, English Literature, and Moral Philosophy, Chemistry and Anatomy. He graduated MA in 1884. In session 1881-82, Cannan was awarded a prize for senior Greek Class. He is believed to have studied medicine in London, where he would work as a physician and surgeon with the exception of a brief interlude in the USA. His last known address was 25 Mornington Road Bow.  [University of Glasgow archives]

No. 24 Mornington Road 1892 renumbered No. 32, then demolished for the Whitechapel and Bow Railway about 1900)

Pre- 1881 Wootton, Andrew Peter, a builder, was some time resident at this address, though later in Surrey and finally in Ramsgate, died 28 December 1881, a notice from the executors of his will for any who have claim on his estate, in the Thanet Advertiser, 25 March 1882

No.23 Mornington Road – renumbered 1892 No. 33, then demolished for the Whitechapel and Bow Railway about 1900)

1876, 1877 Harrison, Francis George. His eldest daughter, Eliza Abra (Lizzie) married William Taylor of Addington Road, Bow on 29th April 1876. (The Globe, 4 March 1876) But then Mr Harrison appeared in court in December 1877, charged with having ridden in a superior class of carriage to that for which he had a ticket. An inspector saw the accused jump into a second class carriage at Bow Station, rode in the same carriage to London and then give up a third class ticket. Mr Harrison said he travelled to London to attend a meeting of directors and, being late, jumped into a second class carriage.  Sir T Gabriel said he considered the defendant’s conduct very discreditable for a man in his position, and he fined him the full penalty of 40 shillings and costs.  (The Globe, 18 Dec 1877)

1888 Carman, Maria and Horatius James Carman.  “High Court Chancery Division: -in the Matter of the Great Northern Salt and Chemical Works Limited. By an Order made by Mr Justice Stirling  in the above matter, dated 24th day of November, 1888, on the petition of Maria Carman, of No. 23 Mornington-road, Bow, in the county of Middlesex, the Wife of Horatius James Carman, a contributory of the above-named Company, it was ordered that the said Great Northern Salt and Chemical Works Limited be wound up by this Court under the provisions of the Companies Acts, 1862 and 1867, Snell, Son and Grump, Solicitors for the Petitioner.” (London Gazette, 4 Dec 1888)

1891, Isaacs, Morris B, his wife gave birth to a son on 31 December. [Announcement the Northern Whig, 5 January 1892)

1894 March 31st, British Medical Journal announced that the wife of Charles F. Harford-Battersby, M.D. Cantab.  M.R.C.S Eng., had a son on 27th March who had died at birth. Harford-Battersby was principal the the Livingstone Medical Missionary Training College whose premises were across the road at No. 16.  Acquiring both No. 16 and No. 33 must have been an expensive business, shortly to be abandoned due to the advent of the District Line.

No. 5 St Leonards Terrace renumbered 1892 No. 44 Mornington Road

1897 Dore, James B.  From Names and addresses of the members and officers of the Board of Works for the Poplar District 1893. James Dore was due to retire that position in 1897.

Unless otherwise specified, newspaper reports listed above are from British Newspaper Archive.